Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Illustrator Blog Reflection

This poster demonstrates a stance against harming the environment. We always throw toxic waste into our ecosystem and this effects everyone. In the poster, you can see a fire behind the tree, demonstrating forest fires. Most of these fires are caused by us and only we can prevent that. Additionally, we throw waste that causes harm to the plants and animals surrounding the area. I tried to pick a font that seems urgent. I placed the tree in the middle, and you can see how the tree is not happy with what we're doing. This poster is for kids so they can understand at an early age to take care of the planet. 

My poster and my thumbnail sketches look nothing alike. They're completely different from each other. In the beginning I also had a different concept. I don't think I was successful in recreating the poster. I believe my sketch was too hard to do on illustrator, which is why I changed it. I don't really like my visual outcome because it seems too basic. I also didn't really finish the poster, I could've changed it and made it better. 

I had two drafts in the beginning. But I changed it again to something completely different which is why I didn't have enough time to perfect the final. I made these changes because I came up with a different idea and the thumbnail was too hard to illustrate.

I think my skill and technique is the strongest category of my project. However, I still did not really incorporate many tools. My weakest category is the other two, the Concept and the Design. I don't think my poster is urgent enough and it doesn't really capture everyone's attention. Theres like little focus besides the tree but it doesn't represent much.

The most challenging aspect of this project conceptually is probably coming up with an idea that not many people came up with. It's also hard to do a sketch of one that seems original because stuff like the environment is very common. So I didn't really have any creative ideas for this project.

The most challenging aspect of this project technically is getting started. It's hard to place an image somewhere on the poster. Additionally, it's hard to change the points and make them curved or sharp. I wasn't really sure how to draw things and where the tools were. It's hard to adjust to the program and sometimes you would have to use photoshop which makes things even more complicated so I just stuck with illustrator.