Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Animated GIF

While brainstorming ideas for this project, this concept wasn't my first choice. I chose this because I felt like it was the easiest to express, but it was hard to animate. The concept of my GIF is being with one person or alone. Sometimes being surrounded by many can overwhelm you. You have no time to think about yourself or settle down with one person that you really care about. When the girl was alone, she was happy. When people started coming toward her she was sad. Then it started raining which kept the others away. She was happy again with a single person, not a whole group. The background in my GIF also enhances the feelings of the girl.


Evolution (from original idea) 
The GIF is more detailed than the original thumbnail. There wasn't much change besides the GIF being an animation where you can repeatedly see the change of emotions. The movement of the GIF emphasizes how changing your environment can effect your mood. There are also different colors. I added some ground and changed the color of the sky. The concept stayed the same, by being alone, you have freedom over what you think and in some way, peace. 

Monday, November 23, 2015


1. My concept behind my portrait is the idea of showing the real world versus the spiritual world. I love the rain and the sound of it. When you hear it, it makes you want to contemplate about life because it has this "lonely" feeling. So I took two pictures of my mom in different poses by a tree. Because usually, nature is where you can actually think in since it's empty and not noisy. I merged the picture together to show someone in deep thought. However you can interpret the picture in any way; it can have different meanings. 

2. I am happy with my results, however I wish I had more time to work on it and perfect it. This is because I messed up a lot and I wasn't really sure how to use Photoshop still. I really like some of the effects I made with the layer masks, I think I did a pretty decent job on it. 

3. First, I placed the two images into Photoshop and changed the resolution. Then I used the magnetic lasso tool to crop out the image of her looking at the tree and brought her to the other image. Then I used a layer mask to clean away the edges so the background is the same. I used the transformation tool to adjust her to the same size as the other her in the image. Then, I changed the opacity so she can look more like a ghost. Next, I searched rain png so the picture is transparent. I put a layer mask over it and then I changed the opacity of the eraser so it fits with the background. I changed the Brightness/Contrast and the Hue of the picture to make the leaves a bit lighter than the other parts of the picture. Finally, I searched up a cloudy png image in order to make her look more ghostly. I made it empty in the middle to make it focus around the two of her. Surrounding her I made the cloudiness darker around the edges and lighter towards the middle in order to make it more realistic. 

Original photographs

Finished Portrait 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

  • When I was assigned my letter, "P" I jot down words that could be drawn with the letter. It really helps to just think of ideas while having your table helping you out. Then I drew the thumbnail sketches with the brainstorming words and it allowed me to keep track of what I've drawn. I also felt that the peer feedback was really helpful because I couldn't decide which to draw and having someone tell me what they think gives me a different perspective. Although I still wasn't sure what to do, it definitely helped me narrow things down.  
Thumbnail Sketch

Thumbnail Sketch

  • I drew the four seasons, the Sun which represents summer, Icicles represents winter, the pumpkin for the fall, and lastly the flowers for spring. Next I drew something to do with evilness within people but it turned into death. I also drew a lamp with windows as a P and vines hanging down from the walls. I think any of them would have worked but I chose the one with the four seasons because it was an idea that I randomly came up with when I was drawing the drafts. Even though there were a lot of things incorporated in the picture, it seemed the best to draw during the time. 
Snake and Bone/Skull
Four Seasons

Lam'P' with Vines hanging down
  • The most challenging aspect of this project was probably getting the color and the shading correct. I like it when it's light because it makes it easier to correct or fix things. However, making it darker outlines the tiny details, which makes it stand out. I am kind of satisfied with my final project because I kind of messed up on some parts of the drawing, such as the sun. It looks awkward in that position and might have looked better elsewhere or smaller. If I can change this design, I would most likely detail everything out more and look at more reference pictures (those really help). I would also have taken more pictures of it before I colored it in so darkly. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Summer Vacation!!! :)

Hiii and welcome to my blog! My name is Wendy and I like to go to different places and have lots of fun! This summer I spent time with my friends in New York and I also went to Maryland and Las Vegas to explore :)

This was when I was in Vegas with my mom and we took a tour to the Grand Canyon! It's a really beautiful view there although it's just mostly sand and mountains. It's something I would never see in the city and I learned a lot of facts that were quite interesting. 

My amazing and cute hamster <3 I gave her some water and she's holding it so cutely :') while standing up. I like holding onto her because of how soft she is and I would annoy her by waking her up when she's sleeping. But she doesn't mind since she loves me too. 

This is a video of the Bellagio Fountain. This fountain dances to music and goes on every half an hour to different songs each time. Of course it does much cooler things than in the 9 second video. So I suggest you search it up yourself to check out how fascinating they are :)